A Reintroduction to Ethik Worldwide

A Reintroduction to Ethik Worldwide

Concepted and built out of a college dorm room at PACE University, Ethik Worldwide began with just six graphic tee shirts. With a very small team the shirts were printed, tagged by hand, and distributed throughout the Lower East Side of Manhattan.

The growth of the brand was nurtured by the under- ground city cultures of NYC. Hip Hop, Skateboarding, and BMX became the pillars of influence for Ethik Worldwide and that influence can still be seen today. Through a series of live events and community outreach the brand became notorious at 23 Essex Street where the first Ethik store was located.

With stores opening up from the East to the West coast in New York, Los Angeles, Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Toronto, and Richmond, the brand’s notoriety and reputation only grew. The origin of Ethik Worldwide is one of perseverance and determination.

The tag line “Pray For Your Enemies” can be expanded to represent the idea that Ethik cannot be stopped, and you should pray for anyone who is going to stand in our way.

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